Prayer Room for a local Primary School

We, at New Beginnings were pleased to help Burton Church of England school to build an outdoor prayer centre which was felt would help both staff and pupils have a quiet place after the effects of COVID-19 which is still felt by both teachers and pupils.

 Letter from Burton School Head Teacher

Dear Pat,

 I am writing to wholeheartedly thank you and ‘New Beginnings’ for the financial support to fund our new outdoor reflection area.

As a Church of England School, whilst all classrooms have a quiet space for reflection and contemplation our outdoors are often busier and faster paced. Our new reflection area allows for a quiet space outside, making the most of our wonderful surroundings, for our children and staff to reflect, relax and, if they wish, offer prayer.

This new addition provides an invaluable space to help both reflection and mental wellbeing.

Without the kind donation from ‘New Beginnings’ this facility would have taken much longer to fund raise for and install

 On behalf of myself, children and staff, a huge thank you!

 I attach some photos for your interest and hope, once we are able to arrange it, that you may be able to attend and formally open the space for us.

 With the very best of wishes,


Richard Wilson

Head Teacher

Andrey Donskyy